As a borrower, getting a fast decision that the finance provider will deliver is essential. Regardless of whether you’re an experienced or first-time borrower, you need to know that you can quickly access the funds you need and that those funds can be drawn down when you need them. At Covenant Capital there is no grey areas, just fast and flexible funding that you can count on.
As principal finance providers, we know how important speed and certainty are key to the success of your project. At Covenant Capital, you get direct access to our decision-makers throughout the whole process. We provide you with terms 24 hours of receiving your enquiry, and once you’ve got your terms, you have the comfort of knowing our terms will not change subject to due diligence.
Building a relationship you can trust is an essential part to our success. We know every transaction is unique; so we make sure you get the solution tailored to your needs. The Covenant Capital team bring the certainty and quality service you expect.
We provide financing for:
EPF registers a legal charge (the security) over property or land. EPF will hold the security on trust for the investors. Investors will receive an acknowledgement once the finance application has completed.