Invest in property-backed short-term finance and earn up 10% per annum profit.
Key Features:
Capital at risk. Before investing read key risks here.
Investors should choose Covenant Capital, a FinTech platform, for bridging finance investment opportunites because we make investing easy, secure, and profitable. Our technology and expertise helps us find the best opportunities, ensuring you get strong returns with minimal risk. We focus on loans backed by property, providing extra safety for your investment. Our platform is user-friendly, allowing you to track your investments and get updates in real-time. With Covenant Capital, you get expert support, transparent information, and a simple, efficient way to grow your money through bridging finance investments.
Borrowers apply to EPF for finance. EPF and the borrowers agree terms. EPF carries out due diligence, and the applications are underwritten.
The investment is then made available as a EPF Finance investment on the Investor dashboard. A breakdown of financials, term sheets and valuation reports can be found within the finance details.
Investors view opportunities on the Investor dashboard and can invest from £1,000. Email confirmation is sent to investors on the commitment of funds.
Once the investment has been fully funded, investors will be emailed to send funds within 24 hours. EPF will confirm receipt of funds.
EPF registers a legal charge (the security) over property or land. EPF will hold the security on trust for the investors. Investors will receive an acknowledgement once the finance application has completed.
EPF is appointed to act as manager, and monthly statements detailing the profit income is circulated to investors. Profit payments are monthly up until redemption.
When the finance term ends or, in some cases, if the facility redeems early, investors have their capital returned. Borrowers can also request an extension on their facility. It is possible that a borrower could default, meaning they did not repay thei