Capital is at risk. Property values can go down as well as up. Borrowers may default and investments may not perform as expected. Profit and income are not guaranteed. Returns may vary. You should not invest more than you can afford to lose. Covenant Capital is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. Investments are not regulated, and you will have no access to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) or the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results and should not be relied on. Forecasts are based on Covenant Capital's own internal calculations and opinions and may change. Investments are illiquid. Once invested, you are committed for the full term. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change. You are advised to obtain appropriate tax or investment advice where necessary.
Covent Capital in the trading name of Covenant Capital Fintech Ltd (No 13740131) and Covenant Capital Holdings Ltd (No 16220099) all of which are registered in England and Wales.